Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Bread w Blueberry Jam & Cheese

Been plagued with some funny illness these few days. I was on borderline sick past weeks. Now, it's no longer borderline. I had no chance for medical leave the past weeks. Yesterday, was the only possible day I could finally let myself crumble for a while. Before that was on sheer will power not to fall sick.

I thought it was just something simple - bad throat and fever, and would be over in a day. I guess, the germs refused to let me go without a good battle. Today, I had pasta that stayed within me till now. How do I know that? Apparently, my digestive juices were on holiday, else the pasta is darn stubborn. Everything that refuses to go down, well, comes back up. Alright, I shall censor that part. Anyway, I just stared at the remnants of my lunch.

Went back to work today, and scrapped my way through everything. My mind was working, my body was complaining. After work, it malfunctioned again.

That's where I ended up home settling down for dinner. Bread with Blueberry Jam and Cheese. A combination which I had not taken for some time. Together with a warm glass of milk. Mmmm....sudden comfort swept over me. The sense of satisfaction all over again.

It is always such moments, that make me thankful for the little things in life. The inexpensive, simple, inconspicuous things that when mixed together, creates a little heaven on earth. That's how God works, doesn't it. Most of the times.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Face it...We are getting OLD!

When we were about 15, we were the bunch who hung out together in school. Today, it's been 10 years, and we meet again - at Bhupi's BBQ. A sense of deja vu. Only Bhupi will have BBQ sessions, the rest of us are too LAZY to do such stuffs.
The group has always been insane, and prolly I'm the most sane, I think. In the canteen, we made the most noise, and people generally know us as the councillors who probably needed to be counselled.
In our careers, we are all headed in different ways. I am shocked though, that many had chosen the path to mould the future of our nation. Looks like a particular organisation's marketing has been working well!
It was a non-stop yak yak yak. I am utterly amazed once again at the mock arguments between aini and lokie...thereafter, bhupi will always come in to do mediation. Aih..she's leaving for Oz soon..wonder if June would be a good time for me to go visit her with lokie? Will see then. June's really a tight month.
The highlight of the night, would be looking at the letters Ms Marian, my ex Geog relief teacher, and also their ex English relief teacher sent them recently. During one English lesson, she made them write letters to themselves, and promised she'd send it back to them ten years later. Ten years had passed, and they received the letters they wrote to themselves. Gosh. It was eerie reading what you wrote to yourself ten years ago, and it came to pass. Ms Marian is really one dedicated teacher! She is now residing in Australia, and she took those letters over to Australia and remembered to send them back to her students!
It was a wonderful night, and I'm looking forward to Feb, where we'd meet again. This time, for a proper dinner, in our usual hangout in tampines.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Specially for a Princesse

This post is for a special princesse.

For those who have known me for some time, they'd know that I am perpetually stuck with two lovely ladies - SR and RTham. Two crazy, hilarious gals who'd provide you more entertainment than you can ever imagine. Perhaps, simple life may be less entertaining than having the two of them around? Okay, they are definitely non-bimbotic, but they can surely "pretend" to be one. When the three of us are together, we are literally "unstoppable", in our endless banter and episodes of comedy. A particular comment that was bestowed on us was this:

The Unsanctified Nuns of S1 (S1 being the name of our old cell group)

We are unique yet all focused on one main passion - running the race well and achieving the most for our Abba Father.

The friendship has spanned since 2001, and it's still going strong, if not stronger. We are in our 7th year! We are all in different professions, one deals with kids, another with figures, another with irritating people (okay, sometimes there are those lil angels around).

Recently, SR celebrated her nth birthday. As usual we were out together and with Ms Flo (who came later)- from 630pm till 10pm, we had a solid 3.5 hours continuous eating of japanese cuisine at Waraku. We had the feeling that the waitress was utterly astounded by the capacity of our gastro cavity. We practically ordered from appetizers, to main course, to dessert. And NOW, a noteworthy mention - the tab was lovingly picked up by SR, the birthday gal herself. BIG SMOOCH

We continued the night with KTV, not before exclaiming in mock disgust at the lateness of the availability of the smaller room time by the both of them (I had no part in that! Serious). So there we had three siao char bor singing and singing the night through till 1am...we could have continued on, if not for the early wake up time the next morning.

The above is just one of our exploits. I have a feeling, that if we would seriously pen down all our exploits, it'd be like the Jason Hahn, Amanda & Saffy kind of column (would it be gals?). I don't know. Just a wild thought.

Main point though, is not the above. As a special dedication to my long-term companion, and other half (if only you were a guy, I believe I'd die die want to marry you). Haha..

Thank God for creating you the way you are to complement my seriousness, naughtiness, coldness, and also my lack of objectivity at times, my nemesis with plenty of numbers, my occasional procrastination, whinings, temper, negativeness and the list never seem to end. You have been there at many of my "moments" in life - good or bad, you've walked it through with me, through tears and joy.

Interestingly though, God has always placed us in locations within easy reach of each other. That, I'm truly amazed.

Thanks pal. Hopefully I wouldn't forget all these moments I spent and will spend with you, even when I'm ageing and becoming senile!

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Passion of Life?

I was reading a particular industry magazine when I chanced upon a familiar face. She was nominated for young gun of the year for my particular industry. It was my coursemate when I was studying just three years ago. She has been in the industry for over two years now, and is definitely making contributions to the company that she is in.

It made me wonder. If only I had the headstart to what I am doing today, instead of joining just a couple of months ago, what would I be doing, and where would be my standing in this profession?

A good friend asked, "Do you regret staying in your previous job?"

Somehow, my reflex answer was, no.

Thinking through later, made me realize why I said that.
One and a half years in my previous organisation gave me a perspective that I couldn't have gotten if I had embarked straight into this current place. The people whom I met there are still people I keep in contact with to this day. The relationships that were forged were splendid, whether it was professional or casual friendships, it was wonderful. I gained a lot from the experiences of those people, and also a taste of turbulence in a company.

Yes, it is true, that if I had started earlier in the field that I knew I always wanted, I would probably be somewhere by now. There's this drive in me when it comes to this industry, a sparkle in my eye when the ideas pass through my mind, when work comes, and when I get cracking on it. Long hours and difficult people doesn't seem to get in the way (as yet), and I know that there's something I'm aiming to attain in this industry.

Sometimes, I do wonder, how did I get so involved in this industry, and what makes me tick when I see the challenges of it. Is it a passion for the work I have, or something else? Could this be a life-long passion? This, I'd have to let time tell.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Afternoon Teaser

The story goes like this. My colleague and I went out to the atrium for a breather in the afternoon. Someone from our neighbouring department saw us, and came to ask us what we were doing. Next came this dialogue:

Colleague A (the one who saw us): Hey, what were you two doing in the atrium (place where performances are held) ah? Thought you all were about to start performing.

Colleague B: Yeah, yeah....we were doing striptease.

Me: *flabbergasted and in mock dismay* Yup, she stripped, I teased. *wink*

Colleague B: ... ...

Another male colleague walked past: Thank goodness I wasn't there....

Oh well, this is what happens when we get stressed, perplexed and frustrated. We've gone nuts!

Thursday, January 11, 2007


I couldn't believe it when I heard it. But, there were a few witnesses, and personally I saw things walk out of the office. So how can I not believe it?

I found garlic in between my stuff on my desk after my holiday. On top of that, I found a piece of paper with Javanese writings stashed under my keyboard.

Those were the very words of my colleague. Garlic to ward off evil? And those Javanese words? It sounds eerie. Serious case of intimidation with black magic? Really, try to make more friends as much as possible. How far people will go to cause you to be unsettled.

I asked her on her missing bible. She confirmed that it walked off too!

This is really getting out of hand. Eventually, my colleague and I just concluded that God will protect His children, and we must continue to live our lives purely, with a good conscience.

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Basic Instinct

Watched the second installment of the show recently.

Sharon Stone was menacingly seductive. Her poise throughout the show was incredible. She was such a natural. It makes me wonder if she's really like that in real-life. That aside, I was really caught by how the human brain is really one fragile organ. Not only in it being soft physically, but the mind - the fragility of it, is something that makes one shudder at the thought of it.

Do intellectuals have a fetish for mind games? The deadliest sins begin with the mind. One can sin in the mind without people even knowing. That's the most intriguing of all. You'd never ever know the deepest, darkest secrets of people.

A sudden chill just went down my spine.

Saturday, January 6, 2007

Learning to Wait

"But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength: They shall mount up with wings as eagles. They shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint." Isiah 40:31 (KJV)

Today, I am in office. There is some work to be cleared. As I took a breather, I saw this bookmark that my predecessor left behind. It is a simple verse. Today, it brought me another "moment" in my life. A moment I will remember. He just spoke. I understood what He meant, once again.

Impatience is a trademark of me these days. Perhaps the work that I do had sparked off this much more. Something I need to look into. There are many things that require time to cultivate, to appreciate and to learn.

This very verse answers my inadequacies. I keep finding myself wanting to accomplish more, in a shorter time. Yet, I find myself tire out very easily. As usual, my agenda had overtaken His. I am to wait. Yet....wait....is such a torture at times. Without waiting for His guidance, His revealing of path, His manifold wisdom that provides me the inspiration, instruction and support I need, I am impatient for nothing.

To do the utmost, for His highest. This requires waiting on Him, for Him. That's where strength comes from. In receiving through the wait. "Nothing" happening in our lives, doesn't mean He is not doing anything. Thus, wait.

Friday, January 5, 2007

Words of "Advice"

Never trust men....you can see one example for yourself....

This was the first word of advice I received this morning. I couldn't refute the person who said it. I was stumped. Within me, I am fighting the battle that never seem to have been won in this aspect. It's a sweeping statement that holds so much truth to me. Yet, I have to make the decision not to believe in this "truth".

It's another battle of words. I like the beauty of language, the flair with words that one can have, the descriptive emotions that come with it...all adding up to form the picture in my mind. Yet, the very same language that is used to bring joy, also brings a lot of pain.

Enlighten me.

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Reflections & Resolutions

Every new year, it is a "tradition" to do reflections and resolutions. This year, isn't different either. The only difference, perhaps, is that I find it had become a "habit" in that it comes naturally, yet, somewhere in the recesses of my heart, I didn't feel like committing to doing them both. Somehow, it has become more technical than heartfelt. R & R, would more preferably be rest & relax rather than anything else for me.

2006 - in a nutshell is a year of changes

Jan - May 2006: Preparation to move to the adults ministry - a time of preparation of the arduous, torturous, humongous project of all - time, affectionately termed SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures). Many of my fellow brothers and sisters spent almost our entire last leg of USM in this. It is memorable. Very, very memorable.

May 2006: I went for two interviews. I got my current job at one. I remembered clearly that both interviews were equally long - stretched more than an hour plus. I thank God, I landed in the right job. The one I love.

June 2006: The exodus from tertiary ministry to adults ministry happened. Indeed, the land flowing with milk and honey was very enticing.

July - September 2006: This is probably the start of turbulent times in my relationships with people. I cleared more conflicts here than any other months in the year. Painful times, but I won't trade it for anything else. It made me realize a lot of things. It opened up my mind and heart to have capacity to swallow more difficulties that come along the way.

October - December 2006: This is the peak of the turbulence. There was another change in my ministry group, albeit a not too pleasant ending to the previous. Much of my convictions were tested. Many questions surfaced. Questions that I do not have all the answers to. Questions that made me wonder why am I where I am, doing what I am doing. Questions that challenged me - if I would like to wonder away to probably unknown lands that bring more challenges than the one I am at.

2006 was a year that strengthened some of my convictions, and at the same time, ended off with the appetizer questions to 2007. There are many answers I am still seeking. It was also a year I found my first corporate mentor. Someone I truly thank Him for leading her into my life. She created moments at work that I will not forget. Lessons that I will forever remember, and a friend that I know I can look for when I am down at work.

Now that 2006 is sealed with the treasures that I have captured. 2007, I believe, will be another year of enticing, fun and greater endeavours with my all-time best friend. Cheers to a greater year, my friend!