I thought that I was doing it alone. The cooking, washing, and settling of soup for the brothers and sisters studying in the tutorial group. To my surprise, I was in for a treat, from God, Himself.
Hot water, green beans, sago, rock sugar...how would the soup turn out like, I thought in my heart. At that moment, a small little tugging in my heart also was arising...my companion for the night. "Let Me bless the soup you're cooking...." Alright, let's say a little prayer, "God, I pray you'd bless this soup, for people studying in the seminar rooms. May they know your love through all these. In your Name I pray, Amen!"
Watching it boil, reading my shopaholic book, having my dinner...the soup was done, but I needed a second opinion. So I smsed Levs, and asked her to come down for soup plus chat...well, we caught up quite a bit... She liked the soup.Mmmm, indeed You has just blessed one, and given me company along the way.
Chukai came along, to taste, but got his tongue almost scalded.I guess, it was just too hot.Well, at least Levs and him got to meet? We had some fun exchanges, talked a bit here and there. Finally, my soup was ready, and all geared to go to the Seminar Room.
On my way there, I start to realize that I got tired. But thank goodness, there is such thing called transport. At least I didn't have to walk up the hill with my big bags of green bean soup. By the time I reached the Seminar Room, I was surprised by a voice which called out,"Green Bean Soup is here!" hmm...Oh yeah, I changed my name in accordance to the things I cook?
It was a refreshing time though, talking with old friend, and also other brothers. Unfortunately, my dear sisters were not around, probably hiding in their own little secret enclaves? I had to run though, and couldn't stay long. Went on to Hall 2, where I strolled there, feeling the droplets of sweat trickling down my neck and forehead. How I wished there is a cool air to keep my dry..well, it didn't come, but I started to walk slower, and realized when I wasn't rushing, it was a pleasant night, walking and thinking about the people I am to meet, and that He is with me, walking down the road in the night.
After bumping into Peiru and Xiaoli at Canteen 2, I met Kelvin as well, to pass him some soup. A dear brother whom I have not really taken time to talk to him. Sometimes, I do take this friendship for granted. He has a paper upcoming, and was glad to meet up with him, blessing him with some sweetness.