Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Real - life crisis

Previously, I spoke about change management from a bystander's point of view in my previous organisation.

In this organisation, I am a change agent. Trust me, you can never be graded for emotional management.

To me, change management = emotional management. If you can manage the emotions of the people, then you have aced the "module", if not, good luck!

Today, my colleague and I went into a room filled with boiling-blooded creatures. I don't know, I thought hot was an understatement, hence boiling should be more apt. It started off like any other briefing, it reached the middle with spices & even more spicy spices, and ended off chao tar.

There was the cynical, the critic, the conventionalist, the contortionist, the case-builder, oh man, but thank God, there were some compassionates. For the time I was in there, I really just had eyes on one person, the cynical one, and I really felt like walking over to strangle him. And of all things, we were in the same colour shade - purple. Gosh.

As my colleague and I walked out of the room, all I could think of was. If only we had this filmed down, perhaps, my appraisal for FY 07 will have more compassionate points to add. It was also the perfect video for a change management consultant to use, captioned - 10 things you should never do as a change agent.

It was a good experience. Good, perhaps, an understatement? As that visa advert goes. Salary -peanuts. The experience earned - Priceless....

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